Sunday, May 15, 2011

I'm back.

Sorry I've been busy the past couple days. So I didn't get a chance to update much. That combined with blogger being down, lets just say I've missed a few days.

In the mean time, there have been quite a few things I want to touch on. So first I'm going to start with the release of the Modern Warfare 3 teaser trailer.

There is just a hint that some of the game will take place in New York City. Thats about it. Like I said, just a teaser. I've always been a Call of Duty fan. So without a doubt, I will be getting this game. If you want check out some leaked info on guns, maps, missions, and more, head over and check out this Kotaku article.

I don't see the need of trying to argue over which will be better. Modern Warfare 3 or Battlefield 3. Both games will be good. Each game has their own style. MW3 has a faster paced, arcade run and gun style. Battlefield 3 will play more on the realism side. I personally like both, so whatever. I'm just a FPS shooter fan in general. So this MW3 news makes me happy, while making fan boys go nuts.

Also wanted to mention this video I saw of a Zombie Apocalypse Simulation game, that uses a TrackIR head tracking device for head movement.

I'm going to get me one of these for my PC pretty soon. I've been a fan of the TrackIR device for a while now. I've seen it used in a few flight simulation, and racing games. Here it is being used to in a FPS setting. Looking around in real life, translates into movements in the game.

Being a big zombie fan in general, this game looks to be really fun with the TrackIR system. From looking behind you for zombies, to looking out windows of vehicles, or looking for zombies to kill with missiles  from your jet.

The newest model TrackIR cost about $150. Its kind of a novelty item, but a really cool one. It adds another element that makes you feel like your more in the game. Its a must buy if you are a Simulation game player.

Well thats all I got to say today. I'll be back more often now. Let me know what you think about MW3 or what you think about the TrackIR system used in the zombie video.


  1. Excellent blog! Enjoyed reading it, keep them posts coming =)

  2. Somewhat keen for MW3, although the last few have been a bit underwhelming.

  3. I've been a long time Call of Duty fan.. I think I started with Call of Duty II. But I can honestly say that I'm not sure how I feel about this newest iteration.. I'll have to sit on it.

  4. Did anyone else get as hyped as I did? Can't wait for MW3

  5. Great to see you are back. I'm hoping MW3 is good.

  6. I Like the newest model really good tbh :] expensive too :[

  7. That trackIR thing seems pretty cool. To me though, I'm sure I'd get sick of it after like a week. Other than that, welcome back. :)

  8. I stopped caring about Call of Duty a long time ago. I remember when the multiplayer used to be fun. Back in CoD 2

  9. Im more of a Battlefield kind of man

  10. MW3 seems to be coming with great changes, anyways if turns out to be bad, CoD is always worth trying.

  11. this Modern Warfare 3 teaser trailer looks AWESOME! I can't wait to have it.

  12. I've been busy too :X it happens

  13. MW3 is gona be awesome, getting it right away man!! Pre-order it
